Exact-Fit™ RF Instruments
We design instruments that allow engineers to capture, understand, and reproduce the full complexity of real-world RF spectra...
...without the time, risk, and frustration of turning a barebones instrument into what you actually need.
Tailored for your specific measurement challenges
For decades, the RF instrumentation market has given you only two options. You could choose a traditional rack-and-stack instrument, with a static feature set, that will never evolve with you over time. Or you could choose a pile of parts, throw in a programming language, and try to build your own instrument in your spare time.
We think it’s time for a third option. That’s why we invented Exact-Fit™ RF instruments.

Base Instruments
An exact-fit RF instrument starts with a proven base design as the foundation. That’s a key reason it’s called an exact-fit, and not a full custom. Starting with a base design allows us to show you basic operational concepts early, minimize engineering risk, and get you up and running as quickly as possible. Spectra Lab has three base platforms that serve as a starting point for every exact-fit instrument:

Spectrum Defender™

Signal Trove™

Antenna Wrangler™
Spectra Lab Serves The U.S. Defense Community and Beyond
Our Clients Rely on Our Specialized Expertise In RF Instrumentation
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