Video Transcript:
Have you ever heard of a software warranty?
I’ve been working in the industry for over twenty years, and I’ve never had one. But many times, I certainly wish that I did. Think Think about the last time you found a software bug. Who did you tell about it?
And more importantly, what did they do about it? We’re so used to getting patches that fix bugs, but only on the manufacturer’s timetable. Your Spectrum Defender instrument, on the other hand, comes with the right to get any bugs fixed that you find, anytime within the first six months. We call this On Demand Bug Fix and it’s included with every Spectrum Defender instrument.
You just let us know if you find one and we’ll fix it and send you a personalized release.
What about after the first six months? What about bugs that hide for years?
Well, in this case, an extended software warranty can also be added to your contract for an additional fee. But so much for software. What about hardware? In the world of complex RF test equipment, especially in defense applications, you’re often stuck with hardware that’s produced in low volume at high cost with parts that are hard to find when they’re needed most.
It’s not uncommon to see serial number triple zero two etched into the metal. SpectraLab primarily uses hardware that’s sold in high volume with long life cycles. So we can give you an actual standard hardware warranty with assurance that replacement hardware will be available if it’s ever needed. Every Spectrum Defender system goes out the door with a one year hardware warranty.
And if you like, you can extend that protection for another two years.
Support shouldn’t be something to have just because. We think you’ll find the SpectraCare suite of services uniquely designed to add value from day one.